Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 6

Week 6 did not go as planned. From Saturday to Saturday I lost only a half pound, possibly due to my "cheat" day for my Birthday party on Saturday, followed by a questionable guess of calories of a pork chop on Thursday. Or maybe its just a natural fluctuation. Or maybe my fat is being replaced by heavier muscle as I get in shape. I dunno. The second guessing and self doubt runs rampant at this point and I understand why they say you should only weigh yourself once a week to avoid the mind games.

By Monday I had lost another half pound though, so I felt a little better. It helped I behaved all weekend despite being at a family gathering on Saturday AND Sunday. Sunday was the worst; trying to avoid delicious sandwich, chips, Salsa dip, and cake all at the same time! I managed though, and even had room for cake.

So overall, 12 lbs lost, broke the 220 lb barrier, and more determined then ever to break last year's low of 212. Just really hard going right now... I could use a victory.

Saturday weight: 220.0 lbs