Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Week 18

All week I was hovering around 208 and 208.5 until I got to Saturday and I stepped on the scales and saw 209.5 lbs. Cue insane rage; I really wanted to set a new low this week for my official weigh ins. Spent the rest of the weekend hovering around 209 and didn't get back to 208 lbs until today. I'm really hoping to drop below that marker this week.

Still, my weight loss has gotten to the point where all of my pants are far too big on me. Had Kim order me a couple pairs of size 34 jeans which means I really can't afford to stop calorie counting now! Even though my rate of loss has slowed down I'm still making progress. I need to buckle down more now that the Easter chocolates are gone. Sigh. Hitting 200 by July 1st looks to be unlikely.

Saturday Weight 209.5