Thursday, March 10, 2005

Moron of the Week

Fan of Sun Penalized By Teacher by Brodie Fenlon

The Sun won't shine at a private Catholic school in King City, Ontario, where a Grade 10 student was docked 22% off her history assignment for using clippings from this newspaper -- deemed "non-reputable" by her teacher. Jessica Bolzicco, 16, an honour roll student with an 87% grade average at St. Thomas of Villanova College, said her teacher cut the grade on her current affairs assignment from an 87% to a 65% because she used the Toronto Sun as her source. Students were asked to bring in three clippings from "newspapers of repute."


Principal Paul Paradiso admitted the Sun has a good reputation for news coverage but fails from a "moral point of view" due to its SUNshine Girl and Boy. (The SUNshine Boy has not appeared in the paper since last September.)

"If a kid came in with an article from Playboy or something like that, we would be questioning that as well," he said, noting teachers have a right to limit students' sources.

Look, I know people don't take the Sun newspapers as seriously as others like the Grope and Flail and National Bore but this is just moronic. The Sun chain has a certain editorial bent that many find disagreeable but to label it "non-reputable" is pretty pathetic and it is going too far when the teacher choose to dock the student's assignment because of the teacher's personal opinion.

Catholic School teacher, whoever you are, congrats: you are the Moron of the Week.

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