The more powerful the Christian right gets in the world the more scared I get. From Timmy the G at Voice in the Wilderness:
The great journalist Bill Moyers delivers a riveting and disturbing article in the New York Review of Books on the doomsday beliefs of large sect of U.S. fundamentalist Christians and that group's growing influence in the Bush administration.
Scherer came upon a high school history book, America's Providential History, which is used in fundamentalist circles. Students are told that "the secular or socialist has a limited resource mentality and views the world as a pieā¦that needs to be cut up so everyone can get a piece." The Christian, however, "knows that the potential in God is unlimited and that there is no shortage of resources in God's Earth.... While many secularists view the world as overpopulated, Christians know that God has made the earth sufficiently large with plenty of resources to accommodate all of the people
I've experienced this attitude in my father in law. "Conservation is not required because God gave the world's resources for us to govern and use. We're supposed to cut down all the trees as we see fit."
Ok, now you're scaring me. The U.S. needs a good old fashioned Science Renaissance.
1 comment:
Um, What?
I'm afraid I do not understand. Why do you think I'm hiding behind the Christian/Religious right? And who said I hated anyone?
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