Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Kicks In The Teeth

Not literally thankfully, but metaphorically.

At work I've been having a rough patch in terms of what my job is and what my boss wants me to do. When I started as a temporary team lead I had a mandate as to what tasks needed to be done by my team, but for the past few weeks certain other tasks have been flying my way and because they are not part of the original plan my handling of them has been a little less smooth. Unfortunately, the guy lobbing these hardballs at my head while I'm juggling my normal tasks is my boss and he only sees that I didn't catch his tasks.

This all came to a head when he asked me in a team meeting yesterday about something and I said, "I don't know anything about that." and he responded with, "Yeah, I'm getting a lot of that from you lately." Ouch. Turns out my Outlook was slow and the email didn't arrive until after I had left for the meeting.

Its frustrating especially because its coming up to performance review time and he is the master of my fate so to speak. I have a couple meetings with him today, I hope to turn things around here and get back in his good books.


The meeting went well, and I seemed to have recovered some momentum. I just need to keep it going. Of course, that means I got a lot of work to do. Yeesh, can't win for losing.

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