Thursday, December 09, 2004

News Flash! Warm Item In Lap Can Heat Things Up!!!

In a news bulletin, researches have found that operating a laptop computer on their lap for an hour can raise the temperature in the men's testicles by up to 3 degrees Celsius. Apparently the way you have to sit to balance the laptop along with the heat it generates contributes to the problem, which can impair a man's fertility.

Ok, who the hell actually uses a laptop on their lap? I mean, unless you are desperate for space in an airport terminal, you find a table top and set up there. And the laptops they make nowadays with real power are heavy enough to cut off blood circulation in your legs. That 15 inch LCD screen is not light let me tell you.

And did we really need a study to tell us that scrunching your body and putting a device that runs on electricity in your lap would raise your testicles' temperature? I mean, its obvious, right? Yeesh.

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