Friday, December 10, 2004

And The Christmas Season Begins...

For the past few years, Christmas begins for me when my wife's extended family gets together for its Christmas dinner, usually the first or second weekend in December. I'm pretty much in holiday mode from then on out and useless at work for the rest of the month because that.

Well, this weekend is that time this year so I'll be running down Highway 15 to Kingston and then on to Belleville tomorrow morning. Snow is in the forecast but only minor flurries; anything less than 10cm is noise. (Note to Americans: not sure how much is 10cm? Why don't you join the rest of the world in the 20th century* and starting using the metric system? If you're going to continue to be obstinate, go here.)

So expect no blogging from me until Monday. In fact, assume most weekends will be quiet as I tend to avoid the computer and internet on the weekends as its too much of a time suck for me. I have plenty of other things to waste my time on at home.

* - Sigh, yes I know we are in the 21st Century now, it was part of the joke. Yes, I know, I'm not that funny.

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