Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 11

Despite hitting a new excellent low of 214 lbs this Saturday after a week where I was hovering around 215, and a low I might add that was 2.5 lbs down from the week before, AND a weight that represents my successful non-sick lowest weight from last year when I counted calories, I still feel fat.

The first ten pounds feels like you've lost a million. The next ten? Feels like only a handful. Sigh.

On the bright side, since I still feel fat it means I'm still dedicated to counting calories and continuing to lose weight unlike last year where I really ran out of steam and started letting a lot of bad habits back in by this time. It give me promise that this time is different and I'm going to reach my goal of 180 lbs this year.

Besides, I might still feel large but there is tangible evidence I'm continuing to get smaller. My pants are constantly getting looser, my belt is on its last notch down two from December, my shirts and sweaters are all getting baggy except my new ones which are only XL instead of XXL... I'm losing weight, just feels so slow.

With Jiu Jitsu ending this month I'm going to have to really work harder in the work gym to keep up the healthy weight loss. I'm really dying for summer where I can start getting moving outside more. Here's to under 200 by summer's end!

Saturday Weight: 214.0 lbs