Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Long Weekend Report

I'm happy to report that the fireworks in Carleton Place did not get rained out despite a few drops. They were quite good and we had the perfect spot to watch them from. Yay me.

Earlier in the day Kim and I saw Superman Returns. It was a decent movie for Comic Book Adaptation, but nothing that made me sit up and say "Whoa!". Enjoyable for a Saturday afternoon, but I found it a tad plodding in certain spots and lacking in action in others. And I sort of lost the magic so to speak with the climax. Overall, 3.5 stars out 5.

On Sunday we spent at the Crites Family Fun Park in Greenbush, aka The Farm. Swimming, trampolene, four-wheelers (or "Dingos" as my Mother calls them), BBQing, chips, cake, marshmellow roast.. the works. The kids like going there more than anywhere else I think. BTW, I finally established my credentials as an expert BBQ chef amoungst my family as Control-Freak Terry was not around to take over Head Chef duties and I stepped in. My BBQ skills have really peaked this year and I love to show them off.

Monday was sleep in and relax day, with a quick trip to Walmart for supplies and a movie for the kids in the evening. Ah, the easy life.


1 comment:

Kim said...

I think I liked 'Superman Returns' more than you did...maybe that's because Superman is more of a romantic superhero...plus he was pretty hot ;)