Wednesday, May 17, 2006


You remember how yesterday I complained about the fact that I was told I needed a couple more classes under my belt before I could get my third white belt stripe? Well, in today's class Sensi Pat took me aside and gave me my test, much to my surprise. I'm not sure what happened, but I suspect my exchange with Sharon was overheard last night and someone put a word in someone else's ear and they got the impression I was in a hurry, maybe thinking I wanted to do my belt test at the end of this month.

But as I said, I was just annoyed at the changing goalposts rather than the inconsequential extra classes. I still plan to do my belt test next month. Now I'm all paranoid that they bent the rules a bit for me and someone will be annoyed with me! Gah.

The output of all this is now I have my red tip review tomorrow night pending wife approval.

1 comment:

Kim said...

like you need my approval ;)

...go for it, babe!