Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Surviving... Barely

We had the kids up for the weekend (3 kids, aged 7, 6, and 5) and went to Disney On Ice on Saturday. The kids had a good time and I admit it was very visually entertaining but there was a lot of signing and dancing and not much in the way of stories or skits which is my preference. But hey, it wasn't for my benefit that we went.

Also on Saturday we went and bought 3 dwarf hamsters for Kim's daycare playroom. Damn if the things aren't cute as all that. The lizards immediately launched a protest against warmblooded housepets, led as usual by the agitator Willow. Fortunately they were pacified by the appearance of new crickets and all was well again. As for the hamsters, they all look identical (3 sisters) so we called them Mocha, Mocha, and Mocha. I figured it was better to call them all the same thing than to piss them off by calling them the wrong name.

Sunday was a lazy around the house day with the kids, playing some games and just generally relaxing. Both Kim and I did not sleep well so it was nice to not have to go anywhere.

Monday was hell at work for both me and Kim. The kids mother called late Sunday saying she couldn't pick them up and if it was ok for them to stay another night, so Kim had the three kids and 2 daycare kids all day! She loves them but it was crazy. My work a few people are off due to March Break and the rest left in control are all mad. Once again management has agreed to a delivery date with the customers without checking with the developers and their schedules. So once again work will be pushed aside in order to do something rushed so we will be behind our regular schedules. Freaking madness I tell you.

Last night the kids were gone and both Kim and I needed time to decompress. She watched 3 hours of TV while I played three hours of Rome: Total War (god, that game rocks!).

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