Monday, February 28, 2005

Weekend Roundup

A few mini-posts. Enjoy!

I saw the movie Constatine on the weekend with Kim and her sister. I enjoyed it as it didn't try and dumb it down for the "average joe" but neither did it bog down in mindless minutia. I enjoy flights of fancy into the occult and religion and this had what I felt was the right mix.

During the drive to Kingston to see the movie, Kim and I had a rational discussion on Same Sex Marriage. She's far more religious than I am and much more in the mainstream of the religious conservative stream. Her view of the matter was that while she had no issues with homosexuals having civil unions and enjoying the benefits of having a spouse regardless of the sex, she couldn't conceive how they could be married since marriage was a covenant between a man, woman, and God. God doesn't approve of homosexual activity so they could never be married.

The real issue continues to be the word and not the actual deed. Interesting.

I Hit 215 lbs this morning, down 39 lbs from when I started at the end of September 2004. All my jeans except one pair are super-baggy on me now, so pretty soon I'll have to go clothes shopping. I've been losing exactly one pound per week for a month now so my current goal of getting to 200 lbs by May 24th looks to be in trouble as its only 12 weeks to go. Hopefully nicer weather will allow me to get more exercise.

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