Friday, January 07, 2005

Torture Is Just Plain Wrong

Over at Tilting At Windmills, Ian Welsh hits the nail on the head when he discusses torture being used by the U.S.:

Reap as you sow, so it is, so it always has been, so it always shall be
It's not just that it's immoral... that it is, frankly, evil. It is that it is profoundly stupid and doesn't help move the US towards its' goals. Every gain made by torture - a ring rolled up here, a bigwig caught there, is bought at the potential price of the birth of more enemies than those captured or killed. I guarantee that the damage done by the Abu Ghraib torture was much greater than the value of whatever information they managed to torture out of the inmates.

It frustrates me and amazes me that people in the American Public can defend the use of torture, and I suspect it is only because they have not thought about it. They have been too long in the comfortable bosom of freedom that they have not had to face the terror and uncertainty of a powerful enemy taking them or their loved ones away to possibly be tortured.

Well people, think about it! Its wrong, its reasons are not justifiable, and its not working.


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