Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New Heights, Doctors, and Back Problems

A quick roundup of several small blog postings fermenting in my mind.

New Heights!

I reached 23 unique visitors yesterday, the highest ever. I'm sure a large part of the credit goes to the 8th edition of the Cavalcade of Canucks posted by Robert on My Blahg in which he mentions my anti-death penalty post. Thanks to all commenters and linkers to that post, I'm feeling some pride that it turned out so well and actually says what I mean for a change. Often my thoughts get garbled on the path from my brain to my keyboard.


Getting my first physical in years done next week and had to have blood taken for standard tests and such yesterday. I don't mind seeing blood or having blood taken, but I cannot abide needles without cringing. I know that they don't hurt much, I know people do it every day, but the image in my head of metal breaking my skin drives me bananas with the willies. Once the needle is in, I've got no issues.

Part of the bloodtests will to be to check my cholesterol. Certain amount of nervousness there, but I'm curious what the results will be.

Back Problems

I've never suffered from back pain but Kim convinced me to go to the chiropractor she has been seeing for her headaches for other reasons. The theory is that misalignment of the spine could cause other problems in other areas of the body due to blockage of nerves or blood flow. So I went last night for evaluation and the chiropractor did identify some issues with my spine that he wants to work out with me.

Apparently one of the symptoms of my misaligned back is that I'm very sensitive to touch down my spine, to which my wonderful wife would always take as evidence that I do not trust her (followed by pouting and grumpiness and my frustration). Now I have a decent rebuttal: "Honey, I DO trust you, its just my spine is, you know, not healthy" followed by sage nodding and a sad glance. Sympathy works wonders with Kim.

Anyway, last night after my first adjustment I felt back pain. Very annoying. It was gone this morning but I'm starting to feel tender again now. This better be worth it.

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